Friday, August 20, 2010

Parts of a Plant

Today, students made great connections and wrote thoughtful responses to my question: Is a plant living or nonliving? We learned all of the important parts of plant and discussed the basic needs of a plant. Students were given a variety of materials to make a plant on paper. They used their creativity to make beautiful plants that will be hung around the classroom. When given the task to label all of the parts learned, students were able to complete the task.

I decided to give the students a challenge and to utilize technology in a new way. Students were introduced to a social bookmarking website called delicious. I would suggest for parents and guardians to take a look at the website as well. It can be very useful in many ways, not only in school.

Mini Research Project (guidelines were already given in class but just a reminder):

1. Students chose a specific type of plant that you are interested in to research and gather information about. Examples: tomato plants, sunflower plants, etc.

2. Using delicious find websites that contain useful information and add(bookmark) the website. Tomorrow in class we will learn about adding tags and how to organize the resources you have found.

3. After you feel you have enough websites, you can write a few paragraphs about your plant. Remember to chose one basic need a plant depends on and explain why. Also add an illustration or print a picture of your plant from the internet. I would like you to label all of the parts on your type of plant.

Everyone did a great job working hard in class today. Good luck working on your project! Feel free to ask me any questions.

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